Predict and vote for the winning team in each match of EPL 2022/23 to walk away with the attractive prize. Make your predictions today and win!!!
- Total prize pool is up to 114,000 Yipps.
- A total prize of 300 Yipps will be divided to all the winners of each match. (Total 380 match fixture)
- 获奖者将以Yipps奖励积分的形式转到Yippi账户里。
- 活动参与及获奖仅限于Yippi用户。
- 每个 Yippi 用户在每场比赛中只能预测一次。
- Yippi Users must predict the match outcome before the start of any match.
- 一旦 Yippi 用户做了预测投了票,就不能再更改所做出的决定。
- Users will can claim Yipps by yourselves after the match end.
- For the purpose of this event, the match outcome is concluded at the end of 90 minutes, which will disregard any changes to the score or outcome of the match over time.
- 主办方保留随时更改或添加任何适用于此活动的条款与条件的权利,恕不另行通知。
- Apple is not involved in any way with the contest or sweepstakes.

The more correct guesses you vote for, the higher ranking you will be on The Leaderboard.
- 排行榜上的排名将以正确猜测的数量为根据。参与者猜对的次数越多,排名就越高。
- If the leaderboard has more than one winner same score, the final result will be decided by the time of winner join the event.
- Only the first thirty (30) winners will be entitled from the leaderboard.
- 主办方保留随时更改或添加任何适用于此活动的条款与条件的权利,恕不另行通知。
- Apple is not involved in any way with the contest or sweepstakes.
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